Taurus and Gemini are two signs that are often at odds. Taurus is a free spirit who enjoys routine, whereas Gemini is an outgoing social butterfly who enjoys diversity. Taurus and Gemini are examples of a couple who you'd be astonished were ever together. However, no matter how mismatched the two indications are, no partnership is destined to fail. It'll just require a lot of effort and perseverance. The zodiac combination of Taurus and Gemini will reveal everything you need to know about this earth and air sign couple and why it might be worth a shot.
The connection between Taurus and Gemini can only be defined as "difficult." Both of these are moving at varying speeds. Gemini prefers to flit from place to place, whereas Taurus prefers to move more leisurely. Gemini enjoys changing things up, but Taurus is about habit and consistency. Which situation is the most likely? Before a relationship gets up and running, Gemini will become tired of the slow but steady bull.
These two aren't a good match sexually. Taurus may be irritated by Gemini's analytical approach to everything, especially sex, whereas Gemini may consider Taurus lacking curiosity. Taurus is sensual and enjoys taking their time investigating, whereas Geminis are quick to move on. As you might expect, this can cause tension and conflict, lowering sexual enjoyment.
In the end, these two are an extremely unsuitable pair. That isn't to say that the relationship isn't worthwhile. Both parties can benefit from this partnership. Taurus may educate Gemini on connecting with their bodies, senses, and the natural environment, while Gemini can teach Taurus how to be more flexible and have a little more bounce in their step. This is, however, a Sun sign match with (far) more than its due proportion of difficulties.